Une franche rigolade



  • Il a peut-être eu connaissance du forum en première page... Dire que le journal le plus importan des philippines a publié en gros sur la une que EEE a gagné le prix Nobel y'a un an...
  • Après les frères Bogdanov, Escultura himself ... Que du beau monde !

    puis-je avoir le lien du post où ils apparaissent ? merci !
  • The arbiter of scientific knowledge is the network of refereed scientific journals. Internet messages do not count, especially, when authored by those who hide behind anonimity and fake names because they are embarrassed by their own feeble ideas and empty publication list. Thank you for the compliment that I have influence over editors of renowned refereed international journals. Frankly, I don't. Anyway, here is an aspirin to calm down those who are jittery over the achievements of others:

    The ScienceDirect TOP25 Hottest Articles is a free quarterly service from ScienceDirect. When you subscribe to the ScienceDirect TOP25, you'll receive an e-mail every three months listing the ScienceDirect users' 25 most frequently downloaded journal articles, from any selected journal among more than 2,000 titles in the ScienceDirect database, or from any of 24 subject areas.

    Now you can keep track of the latest trends in your speciality and find out what your colleagues are reading. A simple click on any of the listed articles will take you to the journal abstract, and of course, you have the option to download any article straight to your desktop, depending on your access rights.
    Read more about how the TOP 25 is generated and what it reflects.

    TOP25 articles within the journal:
    Nonlinear Analysis

    OCT - DEC 2005

    1. Initial value problems for higher-order fuzzy differential equations • Article
    Nonlinear Analysis, Volume 63, Issue 4, 1 November 2005, Pages 587-600
    Georgiou, D.N.; Nieto, J.J.; Rodriguez-Lopez, R.
    2. Fixed point solutions of variational inequalities for asymptotically nonexpansive mappings in Banach spaces • Article
    Nonlinear Analysis, Volume 64, Issue 3, 1 February 2006, Pages 558-567
    Shahzad, N.; Udomene, A.
    3. Variational approach to nonlinear problems and a review on mathematical model of electrospinning • Article
    Nonlinear Analysis, Volume 63, Issue 5-7, 1 November 2005, Pages e919-e929
    He, J.-H.; Liu, H.-M.
    4. Approximation of common fixed points for a family of finite nonexpansive mappings in Banach space • Article
    Nonlinear Analysis, Volume 63, Issue 5-7, 1 November 2005, Pages 987-999
    Wu, D.; Chang, S.-S.; Yuan, G.X.
    5. Nonlinear differential equations with nonlocal conditions in Banach spaces • Article
    Nonlinear Analysis, Volume 63, Issue 4, 1 November 2005, Pages 575-586
    Xue, X.
    6. A survey on piecewise-linear models of regulatory dynamical systems • Article
    Nonlinear Analysis, Volume 63, Issue 3, 1 November 2005, Pages 336-349
    Oktem, H.
    7. Fixed point theorems in metric spaces • Article
    Nonlinear Analysis, Volume 64, Issue 3, 1 February 2006, Pages 546-557
    Proinov, P.D.

    8. Dynamic modeling of chaos and turbulence • Article
    Nonlinear Analysis, Volume 63, Issue 5-7, 1 November 2005, Pages e519-e532
    Escultura, E.E.

    9. Existence result for periodic solutions of a class of Hamiltonian systems with super quadratic potential • Article
    Nonlinear Analysis, Volume 63, Issue 4, 1 November 2005, Pages 565-574
    Karshima Shilgba, L.K.
    10. Multiple positive solutions of a boundary value problem for nth-order impulsive integro-differential equations in Banach spaces • Article
    Nonlinear Analysis, Volume 63, Issue 4, 1 November 2005, Pages 618-641
    Guo, D.
    11. Fixed points of uniformly lipschitzian mappings • Article
    Nonlinear Analysis
    Dhompongsa, S.; Kirk, W.A.; Sims, B.
    12. High regularity of the solutions of the telegraph system subjected to nonlinear boundary conditions • Article
    Nonlinear Analysis, Volume 63, Issue 4, 1 November 2005, Pages 491-512
    Apreutesei, N.
    13. Viscosity approximation methods for a family of finite nonexpansive mappings in Banach spaces • Article
    Nonlinear Analysis
    Jung, J.S.
    14. New modelling approach concerning integrated disease control and cost-effectivity • Article
    Nonlinear Analysis, Volume 63, Issue 3, 1 November 2005, Pages 439-471
    Tang, S.; Xiao, Y.; Clancy, D.
    15. Existence and approximation of solutions of second-order nonlinear four point boundary value problems • Article
    Nonlinear Analysis, Volume 63, Issue 8, 1 December 2005, Pages 1094-1115
    Khan, R.A.; Lopez, R.R.
    16. Autonomous steering control for electric vehicles using nonlinear state feedback H"~ control • Article
    Nonlinear Analysis, Volume 63, Issue 5-7, 1 November 2005, Pages e2257-e2268
    Moriwaki, K.
    17. A Petri net-based object-oriented approach for the modelling of hybrid productive systems • Article
    Nonlinear Analysis, Volume 62, Issue 8, 1 September 2005, Pages 1394-1418
    Villani, E.; Pascal, J.C.; Miyagi, P.E.; Valette, R.
    18. Existence and uniqueness of a wavefront in a delayed hyperbolic-parabolic model • Article
    Nonlinear Analysis, Volume 63, Issue 3, 1 November 2005, Pages 364-387
    Ou, C.; Wu, J.
    19. Positive solutions of second-order two-delay differential systems with twin-parameter • Article
    Nonlinear Analysis, Volume 63, Issue 4, 1 November 2005, Pages 601-617
    Bai, D.; Xu, Y.
    20. Multiple positive and sign-changing solutions for a singular Schrodinger equation with critical growth • Article
    Nonlinear Analysis, Volume 64, Issue 3, 1 February 2006, Pages 381-400
    Chen, J.
    21. Strong convergence of the CQ method for fixed point iteration processes • Article
    Nonlinear Analysis
    Martinez-Yanes, C.; Xu, H.-K.
    22. Nonlinear analysis of arterial blood flow-steady streaming effect • Article
    Nonlinear Analysis, Volume 63, Issue 5-7, 1 November 2005, Pages 880-890
    Jayaraman, G.; Sarkar, A.
    23. Existence and exponential stability of periodic solution for impulsive delay differential equations and applications • Article
    Nonlinear Analysis, Volume 64, Issue 1, 1 January 2006, Pages 130-145
    Yang, Z.; Xu, D.
    24. Uniqueness results for nonlinear elliptic equations with a lower order term • Article
    Nonlinear Analysis, Volume 63, Issue 2, 1 October 2005, Pages 153-170
    Betta, M.F.; Mercaldo, A.; Murat, F.; Porzio, M.M.
    25. Positive solutions of a second-order singular ordinary differential equation • Article
    Nonlinear Analysis, Volume 61, Issue 8, 1 June 2005, Pages 1383-1399
    Bonheure, D.; Gomes, J.M.; Sanchez, L.

    View this website at: http://top25.sciencedirect.com/index.php?subject_area_id=16&journal_id=0362546X

    Paper No. 8, Dynamic Modelling of Chaos and Turbulence, presented by the author at a plenary session of the 4th World Congress of Nonlinear Analysts, Orlando, FL, July 5, 2004, provides, for the first time, the most comprehensive explanation of gravity as part of the dynamics of turbulence, specifically, vortex flux of superstrings (the superstring is the basic constituent of matter), such as galaxy, star, planet and moon. Dynamic modelling (an off-shoot of the resolution of FLT), the new methodology introduced by the author as an alternative to the present methodology of physics called mathematical modelling (that describes nature in terms of numbers, equations, functions, etc.) explains nature in terms of its laws. To-date 43 laws of nature have been discovered using this new methodology.

    E. E. Escultura
  • Tiens, le "mathématicien" prolixe est de retour.
  • Paper No. 8, Dynamic Modelling of Chaos and Turbulence, presented by the author at a plenary session of the 4th World Congress of Nonlinear Analysts, Orlando, FL, July 5, 2004, provides, for the first time, the most comprehensive explanation of gravity as part of the dynamics of turbulence, specifically, vortex flux of superstrings (the superstring is the basic constituent of matter), such as galaxy, star, planet and moon. Dynamic modelling (an off-shoot of the resolution of FLT), the new methodology introduced by the author as an alternative to the present methodology of physics called mathematical modelling (that describes nature in terms of numbers, equations, functions, etc.) explains nature in terms of its laws. To-date 43 laws of nature have been discovered using this new methodology.

    Prosternez-vous devant le Newton des temps modernes !
  • Magnifique
  • Salut à tous,

    plusieurs remarques:

    1. passer des systèmes dynamiques turbulents à la théorie des nombres avec facilité n'est pas donné à tout le monde et je pense que quelqu'un de compétent dans les deux domaines devrait être reconnu... (je n'en connais qu'un tout petit nombre... dont aucun qui ne soit pas médaillé Fields ET modeste)

    2. pourrions-nous, si Mr Escultura fait le choix de nous répondre, avoir la correction de traduire un peu nos posts en anglais (cela dit sans vouloir faire de reproche à qui que ce soit) (si un modérateur s'y colle, ça va lui faire un sacré boulot ça)



    PS: (auto-traduction:)

    Hello to everyone,

    a few words:

    1. going from chaotic dynamic to number theory with as much success in both is not given to anyone and I believe that someone that can be productive in both area should be known ... (I do know very few people that could ... none that doesn't have the Fields Medal AND some modesty)

    2. could we, if Mr Escultura does choose to answer us, be so kind to translate our posts in english (which should not be understood as a criticism against anyone) (if someone does, it will become quite a job)

  • Autant j'ai trouvé que la proposition d'imposer le français était un peu farfelue, autant je trouve que pour des sujets aussi longs, M Escultura, qui doit avaoir d'éminent collègues français, devriat se faire traduire...
  • (bof ça me permettait de frimer un peu lol)
  • Hello to everyone,

    First of all I commend this blog for making a major contribution to the dissemination and discussion of scientific issues and, ultimately, advancement of science and mathematics. I also appreciate F.D's suggestion that the messages be translated to English.

    I will, indeed, be glad to answer questions on the issue and related subjects: the status of FLT, Wiles proposed "proof" and my criticism of it, and my resolution, namely, the construction of countably infinite counterexamples to FLT. I will answer technical questions on both fields as well.


    E. E. Escultura
  • Can you explain to us why the number $i$ is ill-defined ? (The number $i$ such that $i^2 = -1$.) Let me tell you that I respect you.

    For Great Justice,
    Andrew Wiles
  • Whoa! Hey, hey, hey !
    Post in English if you like but please do post a french translation, too.

    Holà ! Hé! Ho!

    Participez en anglais si vous voulez, mais s'il vous plaît, joignez une version française.

    Volny (qui se l'over-pête méga-grave, coucou FrançoisD)
  • Zigtor says,

    "Can you explain to us why the number i is ill-defined ? (The number i such that i^2 = -1).

    A symbol is well-defined if its existence, properties and relationship with other symbols are specified by the axioms. Existence is important because vacuous statement is inherently contradictory as explained in my post above. Aside from the fact that the symbol i = sqrt(-1) does not meet this requirement of being well-defined, it is ill-defined on two other counts.

    a) Historically, it is supposed to be the solution among real numbers of the equation i^2 + 1 = 0. While it is true that the solution of this equation is not zero the equation is vacuous because there is no such thing.

    b) Sqrt as an operation is well defined only on perfect square and -1 isn't.

    E. E. Escultura

    [Il n'est pas nécessaire de mettre des centaines de lignes blanches ! AD]
  • Ce qui est clair, c'est que la réponse du sieur est aussi vide que le blanc qu'il a laissé ...
  • Sorry Gentlemen,

    I think someone is tampering with this website. It has happened to my message board also.

    E. E. Escultura
  • EEE,
    Personnellement je pense que vous faite une très grave erreur en affirmant que les mathématiques d'aujourd'hui sont mauvaises. Elles sont en effet très robuste, et capable de supporter des divergences de point de vue. Si la façon dont vous voyez les choses est selon vous incompatible avec les avancées actuelles, explicitez clairement la nature de vos représentations intuitives. C'est le point de départ incontournable à l'élaboration d'une théorie qui aura l'avantage d'être à la fois rigoureuse et comprise par tous. Si vous persisté dans l'idée que vous avez raison et que les autres on tord, il ne faut pas vous étonner de récolter de si nombreux sarcasmes, car quiconque à un peu de pratique des mathématiques sait qu'elles sont aussi rigoureuses qu'elles peuveut y prétendre.
    Cordiallement, jean-c_rien
  • Quelqu'un pourrait-il traduire ? Merci.
  • Cher M. Escultura

    Désolé de vous contredire, mais i est parfaitement défini, apprenez votre cours sur les corps de rupture !

    et si quelqu'un peut traduire, mon anglais très pratique dans la vie courante ne va pas jusqu'à "corps de rupture"
  • Je sais pas si vous aviez déjà vu ça : <a href=" http://thevelho88.free.fr/bazar/ManilaTimes.pdf"&gt; http://thevelho88.free.fr/bazar/ManilaTimes.pdf</a>.
    <BR>Le lycée (et non l'université) de Luynes est un lycée près d'Aix-en-Provence, M Raymond est un prof de physique là-bas et Mme Michel (``Michel Prize'') y enseigne les maths.
    <BR>C'est rassurant au niveau de la fiabilité de la presse, surtout quand on sait qu'il s'agit du journal principal de la <I>capitale</I> des Philippines.<BR>
  • Gentlemen,

    Someone else inserted this text on my previous post:


    [Il n'est pas nécessaire de mettre des centaines de lignes blanches ! AD].

    While I was typing my message of 06-12-06 22:22 the text split and created megabytes of useless space. I had to pull back the lower half of the text by deleting before I logged in.

    I can recognize two fake names here of the same blogger that played mischief on my message board before he ran away when I exposed him as a plagiarist. Another fake focuses on non-issues; he is harmless otherwise.

    I'm setting up a blog of my own and I'll invite the serious bloggers to participate there.

    E. E. Escultura
  • I wonder how Bisam carried out this addition:


    Nonterminating decimals cannot be added and multiplied (the sum and product can only be approximated) because these operations need the last digit on the right to carry out. That is why the calculator or computer cuts only initial segments as approximation before adding or multiplying them because it cannot handle nonterminating decimals.

    E. E. Escultura
  • Everything fits together now. This blog was set up by Zigtor (fake name of an applied mathematician) who never won an argument with me after a year of posting on my message board. That is why he wants the messages in French. He knows I don't know French. He is also using several fake names here. But it's alright, I'll respond to serious mathematical questions I understand. Or, mathematicians and physicists may discuss with me and post on my message board : <http://www.aimoo.com/forum/freeboard.cfm?id=658778.&gt;

    E. E. Escultura

    [Il ne faut pas oublier que ce forum est un forum de mathématiques en langue FRANCAISE.
    Il est donc préférable de continuer les dicussions sur le lien fournit par E.E.Escultura. AD]
Cette discussion a été fermée.