Egyptian student died in the 11 years of age, as a result of severe beatings of histeacher of mathematics, to punish him "not to have resolved," the school.
Teacher Haitham Abdel-Hamid (23 years) and reprimanding the younger student Amr Islam, in one among primary school in Alexandria, Osman Saad, because of the backwardness of the boy for a solution of a exercice. He beated with a ruler Islam, but the student did not respond, prompting his teacher to punish "individual" outside the chapter, which initiated severely beaten in the abdomen, resulting in the unconscious child, as quoted by the Egyptian "Today" Tuesday 28-10-2008.
Islam was then transferred to a hospital east of the city, with narrow pulse and breathing, a growing Iris, and soon the dead, after a sharp fall in blood circulation and heart and respiratory failure and brain functions.
The yeacher admitted committing, on behalf of the park, said that he has beaten Islam in order to "educate him only and not kill him," prosecutors issued a charge of manslaughter, and decided to 4 days of detention pending investigations.
Teacher Haitham Abdel-Hamid (23 years) and reprimanding the younger student Amr Islam, in one among primary school in Alexandria, Osman Saad, because of the backwardness of the boy for a solution of a exercice. He beated with a ruler Islam, but the student did not respond, prompting his teacher to punish "individual" outside the chapter, which initiated severely beaten in the abdomen, resulting in the unconscious child, as quoted by the Egyptian "Today" Tuesday 28-10-2008.
Islam was then transferred to a hospital east of the city, with narrow pulse and breathing, a growing Iris, and soon the dead, after a sharp fall in blood circulation and heart and respiratory failure and brain functions.
The yeacher admitted committing, on behalf of the park, said that he has beaten Islam in order to "educate him only and not kill him," prosecutors issued a charge of manslaughter, and decided to 4 days of detention pending investigations.
Les maths sont à haut risque à Alexandrie.
Hypathie.Personne n'a raison contre un enfant qui pleure.
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