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Pour Martial
Il y a un volume qui devrait t'interesser :
Consequences of the Axiom of Choice - Paul Howard, Eastern Michigan University, and Jean E. Rubin, Purdue University - AMS, 1998, 432 pp., Hardcover, ISBN 0-8218-0977-6, Sale Price: $37
This book, Consequences of the Axiom of Choice, is a comprehensive listing of statements that have been proved in the last 100 years using the axiom of choice. Each consequence, also referred to as a form of the axiom of choice, is assigned a number.
Part I is a listing of the forms by number. In this part each form is given together with a listing of all statements known to be equivalent to it (equivalent in set theory without the axiom of choice). In Part II the forms are arranged by topic. In Part III we describe the models of set theory which are used to show non-implications between forms. Part IV, the notes section, contains definitions, summaries of important sub-areas and proofs that are not readily available elsewhere. Part V gives references for the relationships between forms and Part VI is the bibliography. -
S'il en reste un seul exemplaire, je le laisse à Martial. Il faut savoir se sacrifier pour les copains.
American Mathematical Society
Pour Richard : EXCELLENT !
Pour Pat et Eric : merci beaucoup, je verrai ça demain, en espérant que personne ne m'aura piqué l'affaire dans le seul but d'embêter Richard, lol.
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