Un problème de traduction
Bonjour à tous,
Je lis un papier d'Andreas Blass et David Childs, consacré à XST, Extended Set Theory. J'en suis aux applications à l'informatique. Ci-dessous un passage :
"Instead of indexing the components of a
tuple by (consecutive) natural numbers, one could index them by arbitrary,
distinct labels. The same XST representation still works; use
the labels as scopes.
This provides, for example, a convenient way to deal with what are
often called records in computing. Records have fields, in which data
are inserted. We can represent them set-theoretically by taking the field
names as scopes with the data as elements. Similarly, we can represent
relations, in the sense of relational databases, by sets of generalized tuples,
one for each row of the relation. The scopes for such a generalized
tuple would be the attribute names, while the corresponding elements
would be the values, in that row, of the attributes."
tuple by (consecutive) natural numbers, one could index them by arbitrary,
distinct labels. The same XST representation still works; use
the labels as scopes.
This provides, for example, a convenient way to deal with what are
often called records in computing. Records have fields, in which data
are inserted. We can represent them set-theoretically by taking the field
names as scopes with the data as elements. Similarly, we can represent
relations, in the sense of relational databases, by sets of generalized tuples,
one for each row of the relation. The scopes for such a generalized
tuple would be the attribute names, while the corresponding elements
would be the values, in that row, of the attributes."
Mon problème est la traduction des mots suivants : "records", fields", "relational databases".
Merci d'avance
Merci d'avance
P.S. Ne vous cassez pas la tête pour le mot "scope", je le traduis par "scope".
Record = enregistrement (parfois tuple)
Field = champ (parfois attribut)
Relationnal database = base de données relationnelle (cf. algèbre relationnelle)Il ne faut pas respirer la compote, ça fait tousser.
J'affirme péremptoirement que toute affirmation péremptoire est fausse -
Merci @Médiat_Suprème
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